About the Mana Group
Mana Group Training Solutions comprises Private Security/Private Protection, EMTs, and former military personnel dedicated to sharing and teaching Civilians / LEO the fundamentals and principles associated with firearms training and tactical medicine in an active, high-intensity environment associated with their fields of work or need. We recognize the need for higher standards in these fields and strive to deliver a relevant training experience for all.

Our Mantras: Train to be a Benefit, Not a Liability. Care for Those in Need.

What is Mana?
Mana is a Polynesian word representing energy, power, strength, protection, and respect. It’s believed that one can gain or lose mana through one’s actions or decisions. It’s a spiritual energy that lives in people, places, and things, and we can gain our mana by doing good for our community and those in need.
We believe that in these times, we must stay prepared, be vigilant, train our minds and bodies, and protect our communities.
This is MANA!
Big Tony Alvarez
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